Ying Maggie Chen, MD, PhD
Principal Investigator
Associate Professor of Medicine
Associate Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology
Director, Nephrotic Syndrome Clinic Director, ADTKD Clinic
Our long-term goal is to investigate the role of ER stress in various kidney diseases. Currently our research focuses on three major areas: 1. Define molecular mechanisms underlying genetic determinants of ER stress-mediated kidney diseases. 2. Discover and validate ER stress biomarkers in kidney disease patients. 3. Identify ER stress modulators by employing high throughput drug screening. Ultimately, we hope to develop highly-targeted clinical trials to treat patients caused by ER stress. As a physician-scientist and well established investigator, my research achievements have been acknowledged by multiple career development awards from NIH, American Society of Nephrology, Central Society for Clinical and Translational Research (CSCTR), Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, Nephrotic Syndrome Study Network (NEPTUNE), and the Children’s Discovery Institute.
View Dr. Chen’s Division of Nephrology profile »
Yeawon Kim MS
Research Lab Superviser
Yeawon joined the lab in December 2013. She is leading projects to discover and validate ER stress biomarkers in human patients.
Sun-Ji Park Ph.D
Staff Scientist
Sun-Ji joined our group in November 2015. She is delineating podocyte ER stress signaling pathways in nephrotic syndrome (NS) and identifying novel therapeutic targets.
Chuang Li Ph.D
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Chuang joined the lab in September 2018. He is investigating the pathogenesis and treatment of a tubular ER stress-mediated kidney disease, autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney disease (ADTKD).